Exterior: Style: Compact Color: Dark pink Shape: Square Approximate Dimensions: 3.5" X 4" X 1.5" Interior:
Upper: Tree house Lower: Pen, cave, pond, bridge Dolls:
- Polly Pocket, blond hair with bangs in a ponytail held with orange tie, purple top, blue shorts, orange shoes, tan base (1993)

Additional Pieces:
- Elephant, gray with white tusks (1992-93)
- Mr. Monkey, orange/brown color with hooked tail, cream face and belly (1993)
- Bear, white, flocked, sitting (1993)
We have
word from our friends in the UK
that this set had a version with
a penguin and bear that was unflocked. Both pieces are
dated 1993. Thanks so much
for offering this additional
information, ladies!!
Bluebird Toys used to print
delightful little stories on the
packaging. Here is the
story for this set:
"Polly's Wildlife Park
The animals in the Wildlife Park love it when Polly comes to talk to them. The penguin whooshes down his slide, the polar bear waves to her from his cave, the elephant curls his trunk and the monkey swings from branch to branch by his tail! Polly especially like visiting the Treehouse because she can say hello to the giraffe and the parrot, and she can whiz down the hollow tree chute to see the lion in his den!" |
