Style: Compact
Shape: Oblong
Light green with purple clasp
Approximate Dimensions: 4" X 9.75" X 1.75"
Upper: Two apartment units
Lower: Place for keeping pencils and other treasures
Polly Pocket, curly blond hair with red head band, lavender long-sleeved dress with green bow at neck, green shoes, green base (1990)
Midge, strawberry blond hair in "Dutch-boy" cut, yellow short-sleeved shirt, red overalls, white socks, lavender shoes and base (1990)
Wee Willie, boy, blond hair, red short-sleeved shirt, blue pants, green shoes and base (1990)
Additional Pieces:
Pencil, eraser and
pencil sharpener
Cat, black with blue eyes, white chest patch and paws (1990)
Pencil topper, clear
dome, pink flower, green
leaves, pink base


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