Color: Yellow
Shape: Octagon
Approximate Dimensions: 4" X 3.5" X 1.25"
Upper: Tanning table, hair dryers and supply room
Lower: Work stations and reception/waiting area
Polly Pocket, blond curly hair, green hair band, light orange long-sleeved shirt, lavender pants. Lavender shoes and base (1990)
Pixie, brown hair parted in the middle in flip style, white dress, blue cuffs, red dot on left side of chest, blue shoes and base (1990)
Two bonus dolls came on some of the Mattel packaging:
Polly Pocket, blond curly hair,
red hair band, red
short-sleeved dress, red
bowtie, white shoes, red base (1989)
Tiny Tina, blond hair in
pigtails, green hair ties,
green sleeveless dress, white
shoes, green laces, white base
Bluebird Toys used to print
delightful little stories on the
packaging. Here is the
story for this set:
“Polly’s Hairdressing Salon
Polly and Pixie have a beautiful hairdressing salon. All the girls
go there to have their hair done – and some of the boys too! Polly
loves doing her friend’s hair and making them look even prettier.
When there’s a party, Polly and Pixie can make their friends look
wonderful. Sometimes the friends all get together in Polly’s salon
and try new hairstyles, to see what will suit them. It’s great
