Style: Portable secretary - carrying case vinyl with
hook and loop or snap fasteners
Light turquoise, pink handle
Shape: Rectangular
Approximate Dimensions: 9.25" X 12" X 1.5"

Vinyl case opens with wings that
store the paper and envelopes. Inside vinyl case is a pink hard plastic case
Upper: Relief of many Polly Pocket characters which can be used to make pencil-rubbed
Lower: Storage areas for dolls and accessories. At front is a house where Polly and her friends play.
Polly Pocket, blond curly hair, blue billed cap, white sleeveless sun suit, bright pink shoes and base (1990)
Tiny Tina, blond hair with bangs, pigtails held with purple ties, short-sleeved light green dress, yellow shoes and base (1990)
Minny, straight short black hair with bangs, red long-sleeved pantsuit with white bow tie, white socks, black shoes and base (1990)
Titch, short straight light brown hair with bangs, pink billed cap, white long-sleeved shirt, long yellow trousers, blue shoes and base (1990)
Baby, tuft of blond hair, bright pink diaper, sitting with arms and legs out to side (1990)
Additional Pieces:
Ruler, 6" with stationary desk, blue, pink and green in center
Eraser, pink heart-shaped with paper Polly sticker in center
Pencil sharpener, round-ish, clear purple plastic
Pencils, two, light green, pink and yellow with Polly and logo imprinted
Writing paper, pink with gold Polly logo, 15 sheets
Envelopes, pink with Polly logo, 10 envelopes

