Style: Compact
Color: Dark pink
Shape: Heart
Approximate Dimensions: 2.5" X 2.5" X 1.75"
Vanity and toilet
Lower: Bathtub area and groove for ring to sit in
Polly, blond curly hair with lavender headband, green bathing suit with white stripes, white shoes and base (1991)

Additional Pieces:
Bathtub, bubbles, yellow tray for bath articles, green washcloth over side, silver faucets and toy boat
Ring base, yellow
Kitten, gray, black nose and inside of ears, blue eyes
Bluebird Toys used to print
delightful little stories on the
packaging. Here is the
story for this set:
"Polly's Bathtime Ring and
Ring Case
Polly loves her luxurious
bathroom with its pretty tiles
and big fluffy towels. Her
kitten thinks it is nice and
warm in the bathroom and often
comes to keep Polly company
while she is taking a bath!" |
