Carrying case
Color: Purple with pink knobs
Shape: Oval Approximate Dimensions: 7.5" X 5" X 5"
Trundle bed pulls out
- Oven door opens
- Bottom Drawer pulls open
- Door opens to compartment at back
- Polly Pocket, blond curly hair, yellow
headband, long purple long-sleeved dress, white shoes and base (1991)
- Pixie, white towel wrapped and twisted around her head, long salmon long-sleeved top, purple skirt, green shoes and base (1991)
- Bella, short brown hair parted on her right side, white long-sleeved smock with green collar, magenta shoes and base (1991)
- Midge, straight strawberry blond hair with bangs, magenta one-piece bathing suit, gray shoes and base (1991)
