Style: Compact
Color: Light Turquoise
Shape: Star
Approximate Dimensions: 3.75" X 4" X 1.25"
Boudoir in the clouds with rainbow
Lower: Waterfall, rainbow river, treasure chest and wishing well
Wishing well spins to make a wish
Front gates open
Fairy Polly Pocket, Blond with silver headband, silver necklace, light blue body suit, silver necklace, fabric wings held with purple bow, no shoes, pink base, standing on tip-toes, silver
star-tipped wand in right hand (1993)
Additional Pieces:
aqua (1993) or white
(1993) (this looks like
a swan but the packaging
identifies it as a
Bluebird Toys used to print
delightful little stories on the
packaging. Here is the
story for this set:
"Polly's Fairy Wishing Well
Fairyland Polly loves to grant
wishes at the enchanted Wishing
Well. Her shimmery wings
carry her up to the top of the
Wishing Well, it twirls around
by magic, and abracadabra!
A wish comes true! In
Fairyland, Polly and her Fairy
friends have special thrones in
the clouds. From on high,
they watch the Goose with the
golden eggs, the bubbling
spring, the gold at the foot of
the rainbow, and of course the
enchanted Wishing Well!
Just open the gates and join
Polly in Fairyland!"
