Style: Jewelry - Ring
Color: Various
Outdoor lounge chair
Ring – Polly lies on
a lounger
band, pale yellow
Lounger, magenta into which Polly fits, blue towel draped over arm, white open book beside Polly (1993)
Ring base, yellow, oblong with rounded corners, surface design has sea life, slippers and a drink (1993)
Polly Pocket, blond hair in ponytail with bright pink tie, bright pink hair band, turquoise bathing suit, turquoise cover-up (which fits into lounger to hold Polly in place) with dark pink
pattern, white shoes and base (1993)

Bluebird Toys used to print very
sweet little stories on the
packaging. Here is the
story for this set:
"Polly's Sunbathing Ring
"Polly is having a wonderful
holiday in the sun. She
loves wearing her pretty green
sarong and stretching our on the
sun lounger to work on her tan.
But she's always careful to put
on lots of sun cream,!"
