Style: Jewelry
Color: Purple, dark pink, turquoise
Crown on a pillow
Opens to reveal Polly with a Crown standing on
Polly Pocket, blond waved hair, gold and purple Crown on top of head, long green dress with short puffed sleeves and gold front inset and skirt bottom trim, gold shoes, tan base (1994)
Additional Pieces:
Ring top, purple, gold
and turquoise crown
sitting atop dark pink
Ring band, yellow
Bluebird Toys used to print
delightful little stories on the
packaging. Here is the
story for this set:
"Polly's Surprise Crown Ring
Princess Polly loves to hide
inside her beautiful royal crown
on its pink velvet cushion. It's
a big surprise when she jumps
out to say hello to her fiends,
and a super secret for you to
carry around!" |
