Exterior: Style: Building
Color: Orange with dark pink roof Shape:
House, front yard with
basketball court Approximate Dimensions: 3.5"
X 3.5" X 3.5"
Downstairs: Pot-bellied stove and sitting room
Upstairs: Bedroom
- Chair swivels
- Closet door opens
- Polly Pocket, short
blonde hair, white cap
with pink bill and polka
dots, green outfit,
white boots, tan base
- Darrin Dog (Barclay
Ruff), white, light
orange fireman's hat,
blue shirt, orange
baseball mitt, purple
overalls, white boots
(No date on bottom)
- Chelsie Kitty (Kitty
Little), lying on her
side, white, pink hat,
green shirt, purple
short pants, yellow
shoes, pink hat
Bluebird Toys used to print
delightful little stories on the
packaging. Here is the
story for this set:
"Barclay's Cottage
Ruff is the town's chief fireman
- he's also completely sports
mad! He prides himself on
keeping fit but he's not very
house proud, and poor Kitty
Little has to put up with his
mess! Polly loves to visit
and catch up on their news, and
she can always be sure of a tall
story from Barclay!"
Mattel packaging also added a
rare story:
Dog and Chelsie Kitty make a
funny twosome! Ever since
the fireman Darrin Dog saved
Chelsie Kitty from a very tall
tree they've been roomies.
Polly loves to visit and hear
Darrin Dog tell stories while
Chelsie Kitty tries to get
Darrin Dog to pick up his
clothes!" |