Exterior: Style: Building Color: Lavender walls, pink roof Shape:
Dance Studio Approximate Dimensions: 3" X 4" X 2.75" Interior:
Lower: Dance studio with piano, mirror, and exercise bar for dancers Upper: Bedroom with sunken floor, tub, and toilet,
- Front gate opens
- Chair moves to move dolls in stands (to dance)
- Polly Pocket, curly blond hair with lavender hair band, blue long-sleeved top with lavender collar, orange pants, white ballet slippers (1995)
- Tiny Tina, blond pigtails, light blue top, lavender skirt and ballet slippers, legs split
The birdhouse is a lamppost
and the tree is different.
We were provided this
information from a visitor a few
years ago but a collector has
just contacted us and
pointed out, with her eagle
eyes, that the tree and the
lamppost appear to have been
borrowed from the 101 Dalmatians
set!! So to those collectors who
have been diligently searching
for this set (LOL, including
us), it probably doesn't exist except for
a clever collector who repaired
her broken set with spare
