Exterior: Style: Jewelry-Locket Color:
Pink cover, gray "pages" Shape:
Storybook Approximate Dimensions: 1.25" X 1.5" X .75" Interior:
Sparkly dressing room with
wedding gifts and dressing table Lower:
Sparkly garden Action:
- leafy canopy swings
up from center hinge for
the bride to come
through from the
dressing room
- Polly Pocket, tiny, blond hair,
ponytail held with
magenta ribbon, gold
tiara, magenta dress,
puffed-sleeves, white
underskirt showing at
bottom, tan base (1995)
- Bride, tiny,
reddish/brown hair,
turquoise and burgundy
hair garland, white
wedding gown,
puffed-sleeves, tan base,
holding turquoise and
blue bouquet in left
hand (1995)
Additional Pieces:
- Skirt, sparkly
iridescent disk