Exterior: Style:
Playset Color:
Orange and yellow Shape:
Starburst Approximate Dimensions:
Assembled: 7" X 1.75" X 1.5"
Ruler (stencil
cut-outs), Pencil sharpener and
playset with stage for Polly.
All three pieces fit together on
end of ruler.
- Polly, blond hair in
ponytail on top of head held with
gold tie, gold earrings,
iridescent purple
body suit and tutu,
turquoise leotards, gold
ballet slippers, tan base,
arms stretched out (1995)
Additional Pieces:
- Pencil, decorated
with Polly Pocket logo,
stars, suns and moons
- Paper, pink, 6
sheets, 1.75" X 2"