Exterior: Style: Compact Color: Pearly yellow with bow Shape:
Heart Approximate Dimensions: 4" X 3.5" X 1.5"
Interior: Upstairs: Sauna, Shower, roof-top dining, chaise Downstairs: Swimming pool and beauty salon with service
counter Action:
- Sauna door opens
- Shower door opens
- Flower pedestal at entrance twists to move chair from hair shampoo sink to styling table
- Service counter top
lifts to admit clerk
- Pool lifts to reveal storage area
- Polly Pocket, blond hair in pony tail of long "real" wavy hair, pink scrunchy, light blue bathing suit, no shoes, pink base (1995)
Additional Pieces:
- Towel, white plastic, fits over Polly's head
- Brush, light pink, with Velcro "bristles
- Two tiny barrettes
(See note below), one yellow, one pink
(colors vary, i.e., pink
star/yellow heart or
pink heart/yellow star)
We have JUST discovered that
some of the packages did NOT
include the barrettes.
Some that didn't include the
barrettes, came with a
hair bobble (typically, Bluebird
sets) or a bonus doll
offer (typically, Mattel sets).
We use the word "typically"
because we are always learning
new things about these
delightful toys!