Exterior: Style: Compact Color: Pearly Pink with bow Shape: Heart
Approximate Dimensions: 4" X 3.5" X 1.5" Interior:
Upper stage with "horizontal
bar", stairs leading down to
stage and locker room. Downstairs:
Stage, parallel bars, weight
bench, snack bar with table and
- Stairs swing down to connect bottom
- Polly snaps into handle bar mechanism to spin
- Lower stage door opens to reveal work-out filled storage area
- Snap Polly into position on stage and rotate mechanism to move her up and down stepper
- Polly Pocket, blond hair, with long curled "real" hair, held in ponytail by light blue pony holder, light blue hair band, light pink workout outfit, short sleeves, white socks, purple
shoes (1995)
 Additional Pieces:
- Brush, light pink, with
hook-and-loop "bristles"
- Two tiny barrettes,
heart-shaped, one pink
and one yellow
