Color: Purple/Green "page" edges with gold lock, gold key on front
Shape: Square Storybook
Approximate Dimensions: 3" X 3" X 1.5"
Upper: Sparkly bed with balloon canopy, rocking chair and swing; slide to lower level
Lower: Slide front
upper level into bubbles, tea set on small table and chairs, airplane ride and playhouse
Balloon canopy opens to reveal chair
Upper chair rocks
As upper chair rocks, swing swings
Turn "barber" pole to spins airplane ride
Playhouse roof opens
Key on cover is used to open compact
Tiny Polly, blond waved hair, gold tiara, lavender short-sleeved dress with ruffled bottom, gold necklace, pink shoes, tan base, holding gold wand in right hand, left arm straight out at
side, pink wings on back (1996)
Tiny Tina, dark brown hair in pigtails pointing up (as if she is jumping down), short-sleeved lime green pinafore with purple shoulder ruffles and ruffled bottom, tan socks, purple shoes,
tan base, both arms held out (hug style) (1996)
Additional Pieces:
Ted the Bear, yellow with purple eyes and nose, big purple bow at neck
Key, gold, fits in space
on front cover

