Play set
Color: Various
Carnival Ride with ice cream parlor tent
Approximate Dimensions: 3.5" X 4.5" X 4"
Carnival ride ice cream parlor tent, park bench with pond and boats. The rocket ride section, with three seats, fits over the
Ice cream parlor tent lift to reveal cashier and ice cream parlor
Lift lid of rubbish bin
Ice cream parlor tent front doors open
Remote control boat in pond swivels
Twist canopy of rocket ride to spin and elevate rockets
Polly Pocket, blond hair in pony tail on top of head, turquoise scrunchy and headband, short-sleeved white blouse with dark pink flower on front, lavender pants, orange shoes, tan base, right
hand raised to side (1996)
(Rocket Ride name),
Summer (Happy Flyers
name), brown hair parted in center and in flip style, pink short-sleeved shirt, light blue jumper with white straps and bow in back, lavender shoes, tan base, holding silver ice cream
scoop in right hand (1996)

Bluebird Toys used to print
delightful little stories on the
packaging. Here is the
story for this set:
"Rocket Ride
Polly climbs into the seat on
the fantastic Rocket Ride.
She flies round and round and up
and down!"